Seganti (Damian Grimaldi)
Seganti enjoys motorcycle racing, reading, and horseback riding. His birthday is May 20. His favorite actor is Richard Burton. His parents are Fabio Seganti and Benucci Grazilla. He has four brothers: Elia, Luca, and Simone and Ermanno.Prior to becoming an actor, Seganti worked in Italty as a gas station attendant, farmer, iron and construction worker, auto mechanic, painter, busboy, and model. Paolo's nickname is Pillo. On ATWT Damian was married to Lily from 1993 to 1997. He was assumed dead in a plane crash but reappeared. On his return to Oakdale he found that Lily and Holden were back together and decided to leave for Malta. He and Lily have a son Luke Grimaldi. He had a cousin Eduardo Grimaldi who married Lisa Miller (Grimaldi). Damian is currently back in Oakdale to try and convince Lily to send Luke to Malta to spend the summer with him.
Photos: Paolo Seganti
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