Loprieno (Brad Snyder)
John Loprieno will be leaving the show at the end of August. The role of Brad will not be recast. The actor who grew up in Elk Grove Village, Illinois earned his undergraduate degree in theatre from Lewis University in Romeoville, IL. He later completed his Masters in Fine Arts from the University of Minnesota. His TV credits include One Life to Live(Cord Roberts), ER, Star Trek:Voyager, Sabrina-The Teenage Witch, Roseanne, Christy and The Swamp Thing. John is also an avid writer. His 2 act romantic comedy "Almost Paradise" premiered in 1997 at The Phillip Lynch Theatre in IL. He has 3 kids. A son John Brien (4 years old) and 2 daughters Dani(13) and Elise(7).
Photos: Brad and Carly at their Wedding